Avatar and It’s Impact On Furry Culture

By Ryan Miller

      I know I'm just a little late on this one, but I didn't see Avatar at the cinema for several reasons. The major being that I didn't care, the minor being that I was told there was no reason to see it unless you see it in 3D. I don't see 3D. I've lived my whole life without this perception ability and didn't want to shell out the extra money to see it without knowing whether or not the fabled technology would matter to my eyesight. So when my friend purchased it on Earth Day and watched it twice in a row he excitedly handed me his copy to watch at my leisure.

     I didn't watch it right away. Avatar is almost three hours long, so even sitting down to view it in it's entirety takes a heavy investment. I tried watching Avatar three times in the time he gave it to me. Not because I hated it, but because I couldn't spend the valuable time. That and, the first two times I sat down, I was horrendously drunk. Each time I plopped to my sofa and manhandled my DVD remote's play button, I was wowed by the stunning visuals to a point of near anger. Avatar is practically a big cartoon that just looks real. Talk about uncanny valley. It's true that the more real these images appear to me, the more nervous I get. Since it came to a very serious and terrifying point as I could no longer discern the difference between the realities, I thought I might cry. And weep I did, out of fear more than anything else.

     The third issue I had with the film was also unrelated to the actual film making, but instead could be attributed to the glaring societal impact the film had on various communities. More specifically, the internet community and the furry community. That's right: fucking furries. The impact of the Na'vi aliens have spawned entire groups of people to vocalize an interest in a horrific sexual desire, or interest in, fantasies involving said species. Obviously, these groups didn't spring out over night, but it's clear there is a greater acceptance for this behavior. Keep in mind, Avatar made almost three billion dollars.

     Since you're aware my dollars didn't go to this film, you need only point out to yourselves how many are statistics. But how many of you participate in this behavior? I have issues with films, of any variety, that produce vast amounts of obscenity with degenerates with too much time and a pirated copy of photoshop. Even worse, mind you, is the slash fiction some message boards become rampant with. One of the reasons I'll admit to liking Iron Man over The Dark Knight is because of how often I was bombarded with gay Joker porn. Seriously.

      With that all said though; Avatar was okay.

      As I'm sure it's been already described in jest, Avatar is essentially Ferngully: The Last Rainforest in Space. Clearly you can add whatever other film strikes your fancy since it's apparent that none of it is all that original anyway. The story focuses on Wheelsy-McNolegs, a marine who goes to the planet Pandora for scientific research and possible military conflict, provided the need arises. Wheelsy is also frequently the subject of research involving Sigourney Weaver, ironically turning into aliens, rather than destroying them. The native alien tribe, the aforementioned Na'vi, are particularly territorial and guard an ore that fetches a rather lucrative dollars amount for dirty capitalist businessmen. James Cameron named this ore Unobtainium which is about as clever as calling it the Almostimpossibletogetium. Needless to say, there is military conflict and all the scientists, and one marine, fight for the natives.

     Do I recommend this movie? Yes, of course. Do I feel it was terribly special beyond the beautiful visual styling of Mr. Cameron's new movie technology? Not really. Personally, I'd like some feedback from our readers. Perhaps if only for you to call me vulgar names of distaste. I see no reason to rate this movie since it's a movie everyone can marvel at it's perfect CGI elements. It's the only thing that continuously kept my attention and had me finish, and you can't rate a movie on scenery alone.


