Damepri Anime Caravan

Director- Makoto Hoshino

Cast- Various

Country of Origin- Japan


Distributor - Section 23

Number of discs –  1

Reviewed by - Scott MacDonald

Date- 07/31/2019


    Princess Ani of the Kingdom of Inacois  is sent to an international meeting to negotiate a peace treaty for her country with other larger countries. She is the sole princess at the table, with an arsenal of princes each of whom see her as an object to be negotiated for as well as the treaty. Unfortunately for Ani the Prince's are not exactly a group of desirable men, and each bring their own personal issues to the table.

    Damepri Anime Caravan is an interesting series. It basically is a Harem anime with a desired woman at the center, except she is taken  back by all this, and finds it all to be abnormal.   This, plus the comedic value of each of the princes creates a show that is easy to watch, and have some fun with. The comedy of the series is pretty solid for the most part, not every joke or attempt at humor works, but for the most part the series offers some decent laughs.   The series has an episodic feel that makes it easy to jump in at any point, but at the same time eventually will tie things up in the end.

       Sentai presents Damepri Anime Caravan in a solid 1:78:1 1080p AVC encoded transfer preserving the OAR of the piece. Everything looks solid with well reproduced colors, and fine detail.  Audio is handled by a DTS-HD MA 2.0 track in Japanese that is similarly solid, and has zero noticeable issues. Extras include a clean opening and closing.


