Magical Girl Raising Project

Country of Origin-  Japan

Distributor - Funimation

Number of Discs - 2

Reviewed by - Scott MacDonald

Date- 11/19/2019


    Magical Girl Raising Project is a kind of typical magical girl anime with elements of darkness and violence throughout. The series follows Koyuki, a young girl who has been a fan of magical girls her entire life.   She keeps this fandom secret from her friends, but at home plays the social media game based on the Magical Girls she fans over, and aspires to become one.  When she does, she quickly discovers that not everything was as it seemed from the outside.  All the magical girls must earn a number of candies per week to stay in the game, and those who don't... die. This sends Koyuki (now known as Snow White) into a darker world than the one she expected, and must work for her very existence.

    Magical Girl Raising Project is actually quite solid.  It is only 12 episodes so it's rather short, and that keeps the whole thing reasonably tight from a narrative perspective.   Every episode we watch "Snow White" attempt to survive from one week to the next, and it creates an aura of suspense over the whole thing.

    The animation for the series is quite solid, and fitting to the show's concept. Action sequences, including battles, and depiction’s of violence are probably the best aspects of the show. Writing is sort of by the numbers, but enough changes each week to keep it reasonably interesting, including a lot of twists and turns.   A lot of the characterization and character development is given through episodic flashbacks, it is an interesting way to handle the building of the individual characters, and keeps things from getting too monotonous.

    Funimation presents the series with some excellent 1:78:1 1080p AVC transfers that show excellent detail and colors. Audio is handled by a 5.1 English track and a 2.0 track in Japanese, these audio tracks sound crisp, clear, and without issues.  No extras, but definitely RECOMMENDED.


