


Punisher - War Zone

Directors - Lexi Alexander

Cast - Ray Stevenson, Julie Benz

Country of Origin - U.S./Canada/Germany

Discs - 2

Distributor -  Lionsgate

Reviewer- Mr. Stevo 666

Date-  10/23/2018

THE FILM (2/5)

First thing first… I love me some comic book movies. I never got into comics as a kid so it’s opened up a wonderful fantasy world and I have no references to compare and complain. Their big and dumb and a whole hell of a lot of fun. The problem with Punisher Warzone is that it only hits 2 out of 3. It’s big and it’s certainly dumb, but unfortunately it is sorely lacking in fun. It’s got plenty of gore, which I love, but all the characters are so one dimensional that they make Warzone a dull watch. Stevenson’s performance is adequate as he digs into the role of the Punisher, but the story’s painful writing never allows you to really care about the characters. It never really gets off the ground and the plot seems like they took Burton’s Batman and used it as a template. With guns. Lots of guns. Even a rocket launcher. All these things should make for a fun time but Warzone’s plot is painfully obvious that even the joker / scarface villain can’t help the film ever reach a level that engages the viewer. Simply stated it’s just boring.


But enough about my opinion. If you’re reading this than you’re probably familiar with Warzone and maybe even a fan. If you are then it’s a no brainer that you should pick up this UHD. The Lionsgate’s disc is beautiful from the get go. Detail is strong, colors pop and black levels are smooth and beautiful. The dolby atmos 7.1 track is surely an improvement over the previous blu release and if you’re into big booms then you won’t be disappointed.


Warzone has plenty of great extras to dig into, including a commentary track by the director and cinematographer. However if you already own the 1080 release then you won’t find anything new here as everything is ported over.



If you’re a fan, you’ll want to add this to your collection without hesitation. Lionsgate has hit the ball out of the park with this UHD and it’s also pleasant priced with a less than $20 pricetag.

Recommended for fans only.