


Schools Live!

Director-  Masaomi Ando

Cast- Various

Country of Origin- Japan


Discs- 2

Distributor-  Section 23

Reviewer- Tyler Miller

Date-   05/24/2018

The Series (2/5)

Yuki and her friends, love the school there in. The group is obsessed with sisterhood and being the best in their studies. They also happen to be part of the School Living Club and care deeply about their advisor Megumi. As they move along the school year, they try to overcome the silly misadventures that happen at their school.

School Live! Is a 12-episode adaptation of a popular manga written by Norimitsu Kaiho. A story that fits the mold of so many school pride tales. Sadly, the art style and lack luster plot make the whole affair duller then dishwater.

The series was directed by Masaomi Ando (VAMPIRE KNIGHT), with character designs by Haruko Iizuka (PRINCE OF TENNIS). The biggest problem being the lack luster animation coupled with the school drama. The animation looks cheap and is too shiny and poppy. As for the character interactions, everyone feels too sexed up and not girly. With some jokes being just cringe worthy. As for the comedy, the situations these girls get into are laughable at best, with some bad attempts of haunted house drama. Not to mention some homophic and problematic jokes around Megumi.

I've stated that I'm not really a fan of these types of school girl animes. But I believe that any subgenre can surprise you with a stellar example or lighting in a bottle, but School Live! Is not it. At only 24 minutes an episode, it just drags. Not completely unwatchable. But not good.

Audio/Video (3/5)

We get two main audio tracks. First up is the Japanese 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio track. The music is soft in some scenes. But uneven and loud in others. The sound effects sound alright with no hiss or pops. The second track is The English Dubbed 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio. The dub itself is fine and well-acted. I just prefer to watch the original language track. English subtitles are included.

The 1080p HD transfer is a bit of a mess in spots. The overall picture seems too bright and washed out in others. There is some motion blur in a few scenes. The animation style doesn't help matters much. That being said, there is no other defects or digital noise.

Extras (2/5)

We get Clean opening and closing animations, and a trailer gallery for other Sentai Filmworks releases.

Overall (2.5/5)

School Live! Is a bit of a disappointment with some lack luster comedy. Only for die hard anime junkies.