CMA Greatest Moments - 1969-2015

Director- Various

Cast- Various

Country of Origin- U.S.

Distributor - Time Life

Number of discs –  10

Reviewed by - Scott MacDonald

Date- 07/24/2019


    I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of country music in general, and the artists that I do prefer are ones from earlier periods in the music's history. This includes artist such as Hank Williams, David Allan Coe, Johnny Cash, and so forth. When the CMA Awards dropped in my mailbox, I thought it would be interesting to see the evolution of a musical form that I am not too familiar with, and that is something I definitely did get.

    Time Life's DVD edition is 10 disc featuring, not the entire CMA shows, but quite literally the "Greatest Moments" from those shows. The first show is in 1968, and continues through to 2015, so the set did start with artist that I liked, and progressed to ones that more in the modern and highly polished country scene. None the less, I'll say I was entertained by the overall look of the shows ranging year to year. Watching the CMA Awards - Greatest Moments I was quite able to see an alternate view of the last 50 years of pop culture, and in that regard it was well worth the watch.

    The DVD is 10 discs with 4 discs compromising the years 1968-1991, and the other half of the set going all the way to 2015.  Presentations come from a variety of material, which may not all look great on modern HD setups (especially, the 1968 segments that are from a tape source). That being said it's all perfectly watchable, with all segments through 2006 showing as 1:33:1 full screen, and the rest in 1:78:1. Audio is decent, but again because of the variety of sources used it's not always consistent. Time Life's CMA Awards 1968-2015 comes Recommended for fans of the genre.

