


Drive-In Delirium: Maximum 80’s Overdrive

Director-  Various

Cast- Various

Country of Origin- Australia

Review Format:  Blu-ray

Discs - 1

Distributor -  Umbrella Entertainment

Reviewer - Tyler Miller

Date - 04/25/2017

The Trailers (5/5)

The movie trailer is an art form that has slowly lost touch in recent years. Instead of fun highlight reels, it seems modern Hollywood is obsessed with releasing as many trailers as possible to get bums in seats, but they spoil too much. Everything is now quick fades to black and loud jump scares. The trailers of yesteryear were almost as fun as the films themselves. And no era better showed off this crazy amount of excitement and excess like the 1980’s.

Trailer reel sets are always a blast. You get to see a bunch of old favorites, discover some new titles, and even get pumped up to rewatch a movie. The good folks at Umbrella went the extra miles and even included some lobby ads that showcase the Australian Drive-In scene. This Blu-ray houses more than 110 trailers altogether, which are broken up into two parts. Part 1 is Crackdown and part 2 is Stalk N Slash. Together they contain around four hours of nonstop excitement. Part 1 focuses on action and sci-fi movies, while Part 2 is strictly horror movies.

Most of the trailers are grouped up into categories, like Fulci films such as THE BEYOND, NEW YORK RIPPER, and THE BLACK CAT. So, seeing the chunks of trailers flying at you is kind of unpredictable. Unlike a lot of Trailer compilations, this one also contains  more mainstream films like Brian De Palma’s BLOW UP, HALLOWEEN 2, and ROBOCOP. DRIVE-IN DELIRIUM is a treasure chest of pure 80’s fun.

Audio/Video (4.5/5)

All the trailers come with an English 2.0 channel Dolby digital track. The crisp audio is simply amazing, especially during the trailers for John Carpenter films and the Fulci ones. At some points the soundtracks over power the narrator. But overall, it’s a very impressive mix.

One of the big pluses of owning this set is seeing all these wonderful trailers in 1080p HD. The razor-sharp image breathes no life into some of old favorites.

Extras (2.5/5)

Extras are bare, but still entertaining. There’s a poster gallery, trailer for this disc and the 1960s and 1970s Drive In volumes, and reversible artwork.

Overall (4.5/5)

If you enjoy a good trailer compilation, then DRIVE-IN DELIRIUM is what the doctor ordered. Highly Recommended.