



Director- Louis Morneau

Cast- Kylie Travis, James Belushi

Country of Origin-  USA

Discs- 1

Distributor - Kino Lorber

Reviewer- Scott MacDonald

Date-   09/11/2018

The Film (4/5)

    Kylie Travis plays Karen a police psychologist who is driving through the desert after dealing with the fallout from her last case. She ends up wrecking her car, and having to leave it on the side of the road, as such she ends up getting a ride from a psychotic criminal Frank (James Belushi), and his wife. When Frank acts out leaving corpses in his wake Karen goes running, and ends up in a facility run by Brian which is working on short-term time travel experiments. These experiments cause short fits of travel into the past, where the travelers can remember their actions, this allows Karen multiples attempts to stop Frank's rampage, but it turns out that he can remember each reversal too.

    I had a lot of fun with Retroactive. It has a total 90's mid-range budget sci-fi vibe, and feels like something I would have caught on late night TV at the time, and as such I ate it up.  The film had an atmosphere like a more polished version of something that would have come out of Empire Pictures or Full Moon, but with the science fiction built more around a concept than a creature.

    The performances from Belushi, Travis, Whaley, and company are solid, and fitting to the material.  Director Louis Morneau (Carnosaur 2), does solid work jere taking a concept that is similar to films like Groundhog Day and Run Lola Run (repeating  moments again and again with variations), and keeping them interesting on each cycle.  I knew when I saw Retroactive appear on Kino Lorber's slate I had to see it, I do not regret that decision at all. This will be an easy choice for a rewatch in the near future. It is a very fun film, and an easy watch.


Audio/Video (4/5)

    Kino Lorber presents Retroactive in a quite solid 2:35:1 1080p transfer that looks quite solid. Detail and colors come through nicely, there is not much in the way of grain, but that is the more 90's film stock, what is there is natural.

    Audio is handled by a DTS-HD track in English that comes through crisp and concise with no apparently issue.


Extras (0/5)

    Nothing, unless you count subtitles (though I do appreciate that)



    Retroactive is a fun, desert-noir take on a time travel film. The Blu-ray from Kino looks and sounds quite good, but is sadly lacking in extras. RECOMMENDED.