Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin

Director - Tim Burton, Joel Schumacher

Starring - Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney

Country of Origin- U.S.

Distributor - Warner Brothers

Number of discs –  2/2/2/2

Reviewed by - Scott MacDonald

Date- 06/26/2019





    In the summer of 1989 it seemed like my life was spent waiting to see Tim Burton's take on Batman. I was 7 years old, and had no idea who Tim Burton was, or anything about the controversy surrounding Michael Keaton's casting as Bruce Wayne/Batman. I just knew the movie was coming and I had to see it.   The film as I recall blew my mind, and for my next birthday I got a VHS tape of the film.   I remember watching that a few times, but not revisiting the film on DVD, or Blu-ray. I was able to see the subsequent 3 films in this Batman-series as they came to theaters, though do recall walking out on Batman & Robin. I'd like to say this was due to the quality of the film, but in actuality I had been sick. 

    I am not going to really review the films there. That has been covered all over the place, just know the 2 Burton films are the stand outs, and are still some of the finest, if not THE finest cinematic depiction’s of Batman.   The other 2 directed by Joel Schumacher, are a steep step down, and yet I find myself really enjoying Batman Forever, at least on a nostalgic level. I remember watching it at least 4-5 times in theaters the summer it came out.   Batman and Robin is a fantastic looking film, loaded up with questionable choices in design, story, and casting. It's watchable, but not something that is great to return to.

   In June Warner Brothers will be releasing all 4 of the 80's/90's live-action Bat films to the UHD format. I've watched all 4 which are presented 2160p with HDR enhancement, and new Dolby Atmos sound mixes. Everything here looks really fantastic, more detailed, with a solid organic grain structure.  Sound comes through crisp, clean, and clear and more dynamic than ever. In researching there does not appear to be new extras added to these releases, but there are director's commentaries on each film, a Batman series featurette, music videos, interviews, featurettes, and much more.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


